Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today is crazy. I need to be up at 6:00 today and breakfast at 6:30. Then I had choir rehearsal at 7:00 to 7:55. It's only supposed to go until 7:50, but we try and get as much time in a day. I really wanted this, so I'm willing to sacrifice this because of the exclusivity. The importance to the MTC takes priority, so until it's over on the 27th, class takes a backseat. I sing during missionary directed time, which we get about four hours a day of that, so I have a lot of time to practice. Some of the songs we are singing are: This is the Christ, Precious Savior Dear Redeemer, Blessings (it's like an arrangement of Come Thou Font) and many other songs I can't remember.

Sister Beck came and spoke on Sunday for Relief Society. That was really neat. Then on Tuesday Elder Halstrom from the Presidency of the Seventy spoke and he gave us a list of five things that will make us great missionaries. It's another “Be” list.
1.Be a true disciple
2.Be completely obedient
3.Be a loyal companion
4.Be optimistic
5.Be diligent
I thought you might like this.

Today after practice we went to the temple and it was good. Sorry this letter is short, but it's a crazy busy day. Next week will be short as well., but I should have time after that. Talk to you soon.

Sister Bennion

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