Monday, March 31, 2008

Slow Beginings

My biggest pet peeve is books with slow beginnings. Now I borrowed this book from my friend well actually Ali's friend it's called "Gathering Blue" by Lois Lowry and it has a very slow beginning. I wish you could just skip past the intro stuff and get straight to the action. For example In Harry Potter any time he spent at the Dursley's was boring. In any of the Twilight books If Bella and Edward aren't together was hard for me to read now if Jacob is there it I'm not boring but not as exciting as Edward but close. In "The DaVinci Code" I was board until Robert realized that he was a suspect that the book got interesting. I am glad that I finally or at least I think I'm past the boring introduction part of the book but only time will tell.

This book is supposedly the sequel to "The Giver" Which is high up on my Top ten book list. Speaking of my top ten book list it is as follows.

1. Eclipse By Stephenie Meyer
2. Twilight By Stephenie Meyer
3. New Moon By Stephenie Meyer (This is a new development)
4. The Giver By Lois Lowry
5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban By JK Rowling
6. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince By JK Rowling
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows By JK Rowling
8. Pride and Prescience By Carrie Bebris
9. The DaVinci Code By Dan Brown
10. North By Northanger By Carrie Bebris

It does surprise me that there at more than one I have a top ten book list and two that I it was hard to pick just 10 books because as most of you know I hate reading or I guess more accuately I used to hate reading but apparently it is a hidden passion of mine however I am a very very picky reader because if the slow beginning are to slow I will give up.

I hope you all enjoy my book list because I really enjoy it or should I enjoy each and every book on that list multiple times.

Friday, March 28, 2008

What's Wrong With This Picture???

Seriously what's wrong here??? I know do you??? This is why I love iGoogle!!!! Enjoy all.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cool Picture

Okay so I use igoogle and I have it customized and one thing that I have on there is an optical Illusion every time I go to or refresh that page Well this one just jumped out at me as frickin' cool!!!!! enjoy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I have been sick all week and I'm sick of it I want to be better NOW!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A New Thing

Okay so I finally decided to start the whole blogging thing but I will warn you that I will not be very consistent because that is not me.

So to catch you all up on me I am finishing my semester at ITT Tech and then I'll be starting a new one without a break sucky huh? however that's life. For those of you who don't know I am planning to, once I finish my bachelors Degree int accounting, go back to school in sign language and become a translator. This is obviously a new development but one that I am extremely excited for. I have recently discovered that I have a talent for signing and it is one I want to cultivate.

As most of you know I worked for the University of Utah Moran Eye Center. Well I don't work there any more I quite there because I couldn't stand my boss he to put it lightly was a male chauvinistic pig and a few other things that I could say but I won't because that will not be putting it lightly. One good thing came form working there though I was able to get a better job, better pay, better opportunity, much better boss, and much more relaxed environment. I now work for Special Ops Paintball. I love this place it is a great place to work.

Well that's all for this post I'll keep you all as up to date as I can but for now.......later.