Monday, August 16, 2010

July 22 Letter

Monday I got pink eye I woke up and my eye had goop all over it so I went to the health clinic and got some antibiotic eye drops it all seems better but I refuse to where make up for 10 Days I think that's best.

My troublesome companion left on Monday morning at 6 but we had to be at the travel office at 4:30 because sister young left at 5 that was very sad for me. Sora (sister) Fraser is awesome we are having a great time we got a nice little greeny package for the new ASL sister that came in yesterday the new ASL district came in and they are really cool. Three are hard of hearing and there's 1 CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) so he's really cool. I'm excited to get to know him better.

Today and yesterday I basically have had personal study time. I'll have companionship study and seriously like five hours of personal study time today. Because the new district crazy schedule this week. Starting Friday I'm back to my normal schedule.

One of the elders in my district was delayed for health reasons so I'm happy but sad at the same time. I sad that he had to stay but I'm happy that I'm not the only one from the district. Yesterday I got some one on one time with my teacher Sister Cropper. She came in and taught me for 2 hrs. She didn't have to come in because I basically had missionary study time all day yesterday, but she did so I need to do something nice for her.

Elder Llewellyn the only other person from my district who has been in isolation because he had a very low white blood cell count so they didn't want him to get sick so he was isolated for 25 hrs. I felt so bad for him and all he could do was personal study which was 18 hrs of Personal study because we are only allowed to have 7 hrs of sleep. Now he's out and has new companion for the English district and is really happy and he was at the hospital yesterday and he got me a Dr. Pepper from the vending machine because he knows I love them.

Pat Walker got here on Monday so I see here every day it's nice to have dear friends here. Did I tell you that there is an elder that has a crush on me. He is serving his mission here at the MTC in the referral center he made my entire district a 2 year calendar which was really nice.

Oh, and I teach all in ASL and the new district will be watching, so I’m kind of nervous.

Give Zoe a kiss from me on her birthday!!!

Sister Bennion

My district with President Born

With Elder Smith

With Sister Fraser

With Sister Fraser, Sister Lovejoy and Sister Young

Sister Cropper, Brother Hamelton, Brother Black, Elder Given, Elder Noriega, Brother Cropper, Elder Halbert, Elder Smith and Victoria

With Elder Llewellyn

With Elder Llewellyn and Elder Ficklin

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