I have my new address at the MTC. Please use this for any letters or packages:
Sister Victoria Pearl Bennion
MTC Mailbox # 234
CA-ANA 0721
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793
Life is great I have 2 companions we have a total of 11 people in our district which is all ASL Missionaries. Our branch has a bit more, like 4 districts. Our branch president is fluent in ASL. His name is President Born.
I am really struggling waking up in the morning but I'm getting used to it, hopefully. We don't technically have to be up till 6:30 but depending on the day and what we have going on we are usually up at 6-6:15. I love gym!!!!!! We get an hour of gym every day except Sunday and p-day.
My departure date may change and if is does I'll keep you posted on that, but they say that we won't get that information until about 6 or 7 weeks into our training.
I have discovered how much ASL I don't know because I rely on my English mind way to much. One of my teachers is kind of a tutor more than teacher and he is helping me think of my ASL Vocabulary as concepts because each sign has so many different words in English. So instead of seeing a word when I think of a sign I need to think of a picture or a concept, like cat. Instead of seeing the word cat I need to see a picture of a cat. He is having me take vocabulary and describe the concept to him, and paint a mental picture.
Please don't use my e-mail because I only get 30 min a week but if you want you can use dearelder.com I think time is short. More to come later .
Love you all!
Sister Bennion
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
May 22 Letter
I'm sending you the schedule of what we did our first day, but I'll explain what I can remember. It feels like I've lived here nine weeks already. You dropped me off and an Elder walked me to my dorm, where a Sister took me to get my key and room number. Then we dropped my bags off in my room and went to a big meeting room where I got my Blue Card, which is your life here. It has your weekly allowance, your meals and security access to the dorms and computers. Plus, it works the laundry. After we got the Blue Card we had to verify who we were and where we are going.
Then we had our picture taken for our Branch President. Next we got an envelope with the missionary handbook in it and two name tags, one with an orange dot that meant we are newbees and then a woman clipped it on us. Then we fixed personal information, which they had our old home number and I didn't remember the new one, so I put your cell phone down because I know that. I got a padlock for my personal stuff.
Then the Host Sister met me as I exited the big room and then we went to the bookstore to get all of our materials for our mission. I'm missing one book that I'll pick up on p-day, but in my bag was: two planners (because each one only has six weeks in it and we are here for nine sadly, even if you know ASL), the Gospel Art Book, a black missionary binder, two Preach My Gospels (which is good because someone took one of mine), an ASL Book of Mormon (on dvd), the Missionary Health Guide, Missionary Language Book, a vocabulary book (that we won't use because it's really for people learning English), and an ASL dictionary.
After that I was take to my class where I met my companions, our teachers and the rest of my district. We have three hard of hearing missionaries and one deaf missionary. After class we went and met the Mission President in an orientation with all of the new missionaries. Then we had dinner – roast beef and potatoes. We only had one choice. Ali would have been in heaven. We also had ice cream, but I didn't have any for one, because it's fattening and two, because I was full. I had a side salad, but sadly on a side salad, because the bowls are small and unless you get the salad entrĂ©e (which they don't offer every day) you can only have Ranch dressing, so I guess I'm learning to like it.
After dinner we had an activity where we went to different rooms and watched missionaries start a visit. Then we took over. It was funny to hear some of the Elders. Clearly, some of the Elders need to learn to listen to the people. When we finished that we met our Zone Leader and Coordinating Sister. They gave us more information. Then we split and the sister took us back to our room and went over room cleanliness and then we unpacked at around 10 pm. Then it was time for bed. It was a very long day.
We have had a few more orientation activities, but not many. Usually one a day, if that. It's so hard to remember everything because it's so busy and the days seem to blend together. For the most part my day is: wake up and get ready, study for 30 minutes, breakfast, class or study, lunch at 12ish, gym for one hour, class or study, dinner at 5ish, class/study/devotional, plan from 9-9:30 pm, shower for me (my other companions shower in the morning), companion prayer, quiet time at 10:15 pm and lights out at 10:30 pm.
I can't print emails I found out. So if you have a long email you may have to wait 'til I can write you back. Our Branch President said to use dearelder.com. We get that very fast here.
Victoria (Sister Bennion)
Then we had our picture taken for our Branch President. Next we got an envelope with the missionary handbook in it and two name tags, one with an orange dot that meant we are newbees and then a woman clipped it on us. Then we fixed personal information, which they had our old home number and I didn't remember the new one, so I put your cell phone down because I know that. I got a padlock for my personal stuff.
Then the Host Sister met me as I exited the big room and then we went to the bookstore to get all of our materials for our mission. I'm missing one book that I'll pick up on p-day, but in my bag was: two planners (because each one only has six weeks in it and we are here for nine sadly, even if you know ASL), the Gospel Art Book, a black missionary binder, two Preach My Gospels (which is good because someone took one of mine), an ASL Book of Mormon (on dvd), the Missionary Health Guide, Missionary Language Book, a vocabulary book (that we won't use because it's really for people learning English), and an ASL dictionary.
After that I was take to my class where I met my companions, our teachers and the rest of my district. We have three hard of hearing missionaries and one deaf missionary. After class we went and met the Mission President in an orientation with all of the new missionaries. Then we had dinner – roast beef and potatoes. We only had one choice. Ali would have been in heaven. We also had ice cream, but I didn't have any for one, because it's fattening and two, because I was full. I had a side salad, but sadly on a side salad, because the bowls are small and unless you get the salad entrĂ©e (which they don't offer every day) you can only have Ranch dressing, so I guess I'm learning to like it.
After dinner we had an activity where we went to different rooms and watched missionaries start a visit. Then we took over. It was funny to hear some of the Elders. Clearly, some of the Elders need to learn to listen to the people. When we finished that we met our Zone Leader and Coordinating Sister. They gave us more information. Then we split and the sister took us back to our room and went over room cleanliness and then we unpacked at around 10 pm. Then it was time for bed. It was a very long day.
We have had a few more orientation activities, but not many. Usually one a day, if that. It's so hard to remember everything because it's so busy and the days seem to blend together. For the most part my day is: wake up and get ready, study for 30 minutes, breakfast, class or study, lunch at 12ish, gym for one hour, class or study, dinner at 5ish, class/study/devotional, plan from 9-9:30 pm, shower for me (my other companions shower in the morning), companion prayer, quiet time at 10:15 pm and lights out at 10:30 pm.
I can't print emails I found out. So if you have a long email you may have to wait 'til I can write you back. Our Branch President said to use dearelder.com. We get that very fast here.
Victoria (Sister Bennion)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The First Letter
Things are good. I'm in a trio, so I have two companions. On of my companions is hard of hearing, which is cool. When we got here they put our badges on for us. That was neat. The first day was a little overwhelming because there is just so much. There are a lot of rules. No music right now. I guess the mission president didn't want it. I got an ASL Book of Mormon.
Oh, my departure date is July 21, 2010. So it looks like I'll be here the full nine weeks. We have gym next and my hard of hearing companion needs to buy a bag, so I'll talk to you soon. My P-day is Thursday, so you should hear from me then.
I don't really think this has set in yet, but I'm sure it will soon.
Oh, my departure date is July 21, 2010. So it looks like I'll be here the full nine weeks. We have gym next and my hard of hearing companion needs to buy a bag, so I'll talk to you soon. My P-day is Thursday, so you should hear from me then.
I don't really think this has set in yet, but I'm sure it will soon.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wednesday morning finally came. I finished my packing. I got everything together and Mom packed it in the car. Then I went to lunch with Mom, Ali & Addie at Goodwood. I had a most excellent BBQ pulled pork sandwich. I stopped at Smiths to buy a comb and brush, because I realized at lunch that I had forgotten them. Then we all drove down to the MTC. When we arrived, I unpacked my bags, took some pictures, said good-bye and I was off. My mission has begun!!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Setting Apart
Late Tuesday night I was set apart as a missionary. A lot of good people were there: Phil Hansen, Steve & Janet Turley, Gus Chin, Jeff Miner, Trevor Anderson, Nate Mayfield, My Mom, Ali, Ryan, Doug Bowers, Scott Newbold and the Stake President. It was a great night. I loved the advice and blessing.
This is my first picture as a missionary - Sister Victoria Bennion!
This is my first picture as a missionary - Sister Victoria Bennion!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Farewell Family Dinner
Monday night my whole family came over for dinner. We ate great food and enjoyed each others company. Sadly, this will be the last time I will see some of them for 18 months. Wow!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mission Farewell Party
After I spoke in both the Wilford 2nd and Grandview 1st wards (and also sang in the W2 ward) my family threw me a farewell party in my backyard. It was fun to be able to chat and visit with my friends and family before I head out. Here are some pictures of the party.

Marchelle & Aubrey

Tedi, Ilsa & their family

Chowin' down on the good food

The Pulvers

Jordan & Jake

Chatting with Bonnie

Beckie, Jordan & Emma

Janet & Bishop Turley

Anna's Family

The Hills

Janet & Bishop Turley

Janet, Bishop, Marchelle & Brad

Melissa, Ryan & Zoe

Mom, Melissa, Ryan & Zoe

Emmalyn, Maddie and Ann Marie

Emmalyn, Ann Marie & Barbra

Ann Marie, Ali, Emmalyn & Barbra

With Lisa

Marchelle & Aubrey

Tedi, Ilsa & their family

Chowin' down on the good food

The Pulvers

Jordan & Jake

Chatting with Bonnie

Beckie, Jordan & Emma

Janet & Bishop Turley

Anna's Family

The Hills

Janet & Bishop Turley

Janet, Bishop, Marchelle & Brad

Melissa, Ryan & Zoe

Mom, Melissa, Ryan & Zoe

Emmalyn, Maddie and Ann Marie

Emmalyn, Ann Marie & Barbra

Ann Marie, Ali, Emmalyn & Barbra

With Lisa
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