Thursday, September 11, 2008

Amazing News!!!!!!

Today I had to go to the Sandy Store to help out because they were short handed and during my shift down there and deaf woman came in to pick up her glasses and I was the one who got to help her and it was amazing to be able to talk to some one who is not in my class or my teacher, a real live member of the Deaf community. It was even more cool for me because a lot of other people customers and employee's saw that I was signing to this woman and just watched our interaction. All I can say is that I don't know why do drugs because today I had a great no amazing natural high.

Oh what a Day!!!!!


Michelle said...

Yay! Congratulations! Your first real signing conversation, how wonderful.

Shelly! said...

You're a rock star!

Thanks for calling me with the update- I loved it!