Thievery - Is the act or practice or an instance of stealing (As Defined by Merriam Webster)
Now I am extremely surprised by the number of people who think this is not a real word. So this is the vocabulary word for today:
Okay all so this is pretty funny and clean. I know it's a first for me to put a video that is okay for all ages on my blog but seriously this is good.
Okay s this is Jimmy Kimmel's Reply to Sarah Silverman's video but I thought this one was funnier than the first one. I hope you all enjoy this but again it's just a little crude. Look at all the stars they got to perform in this one I just love it!!!!!
So Shelly showed this video to me while she was in town and I couldn't stop laughing but while you watch it watch Matt Damon's face it's totally funny. If you are easily offended don't watch because it is a little crude this but I think it is to funny not to post!!! Enjoy all!!!