Sunday, May 31, 2009

Twilight Nerd Strikes again!

if your not a Twilight fan sorry but I am so that's why this is on my blog. If your are a Twilight fan enjoy!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Aww!!! My Time in Spanish Fork

This week I got to spend time with My Best Friend Anna her Husband Mark and their Baby Noah. Now this picture is of Noah when he was really young he is now almost a year. Anna and Mark just bought their first house It's really beautiful. We went to lunch at this restaurant or Diner called One Man Band Diner which is kind of a cross between Denny's and the training table they have the same kind of food that Training Table and they have the phone thing but they have the breakfast thing being served all day. then for dinner Mark cooked stake and corn on the grill Anna made red lobster rolls and I cut the Watermelon and cut my finger. This was a great mini vacation.

Thank you anna and Mark for such a great time!!!! and Thank you Noah For Being such go cut lovable baby!!!!!